Hi Lauren, 

I was wondering if you knew the brand of lip glosses and colors that Vickie from the Orange County Housewives wears? I’ve been trying to find out what brand she wears, but I haven’t had any luck. I figured you would be the right person to go to Smile 
Thank You, 
Everyone is obsessed with Vicki’s Gunvalson’s pretty lips…And I am somewhat obsessed with what comes out of them, so I was happy to track down the information. The look requires 2 colors, as she wears Mac Myth Lipstick with Florabundance Lip Glass Over it. Little did we know, she’s been working all those hours to afford all that lipstick.

Mac Myth Lipstick $15.50 BeautyEncounter.com

Mac Florabundance Lipglass $14.00 BeautyEncounter.com

 Vicki also uses Mac Subculture Lip Pencil to round out the look: $13.00 Nordstrom.com

Have you seen something on a celeb that you can’t live without? Email me at Lauren@BigBlondeHair.com or post a comment.