Can you find Vicki’s maxi dress she was wearing when she was getting her makeup and hair done for the Wine by Wives party? Jennifer via Facebook
Weekend fashion tip brought to you by Vicki Gunvalson, inadvertently:
Want to be comfortable at home? Want to look sexy at dinner? Want to cover up your pasty legs? Buy a maxi dress and you’re ready for any occasion. Except maybe your daughter telling you she got married and you didn’t know about it.
Vicki Gunvalson’s Braided Maxi Dress Getting Ready for Brianna’s Party
Sky Brand Jolina Print Maxi Dress $198
THANK YOU to Valerie for the information & making my Friday easier 😉
Style Stealers:
Bisou Bisou Printed Maxi Dress $45
Arden B Printed Drop Waist Maxi Dress $38
*Currently Obsessed*
Topshop Tie Dye Maxi Dress $84
Have you seen something on a Housewife or celeb you can’t live without? Post a comment below, tweet @BigBlondeHair or leave a comment on The Big Blonde Hair Blog’s Facebook page.