My favorite Fall 2012 trend? Studs. Studs. Studs.  When the trend surfaced it was seen mostly for nighttime, but when I saw it carry over over into daytime casual, as a girl who was way too sick of her Lululemon tracksuits, I thought I couldn’t be happier.  And then,  when I saw these fabulous studded  pieces while walking by a local boutique ,Mint Julep Chicago, I was happier. And then, when I was they were both under $65 and walked out with them, I knew it was as happy as it gets.

Studded Sweater & Sweatshirt

Studded Sweater Sweatshirt

White Studded Sweater by Love Quotes  $68 from Mint Julep Chicago

Email to inquire

Styling Tip: Wear it during the day with skinny jeans and suede boots, and at night with leather leggings and black leather boots

Studded Sweatershirt by  Ellison $54 Available at Mint Julep Chicago

Email to Order

Styling Tip: Wear it during the day with denim, or leggings

Have you seen Real Housewives or other Reality TV Fashion that you can’t live without? Post a comment below, tweet@BigBlondeHair or leave a comment on The Big Blonde Hair Blog’s Facebook page.