Stephanie Hollman’s Black and Gold Sequin Dress at Cary’s Laser Treatment Party

Real Housewives of Dallas Season 3 Episode 10 Fashion

Stephanie Hollman clearly lives by my life motto: “If it’s good enough for Beyonce, it’s good enough for me” as her black and gold sequin dress was seen on the Tom Ford runway on Queen Bey circa 2011. And just to show that she’s extra fancy, I’d like to point out that she wore a dress to a party at a laser center that Mrs. Carter wore on the runway. But that’s why I love Stephanie. She definitely competes with the richest of the ‘Wives in the cash department, but you’d never know it by the way she acts, even if she’s rocking a dress that costs thousands. While others are throwing around Net-a-Porter, Stephanie’s just sitting back like it’s nothing wearing the most expensive look in the room.

The Realest Housewife,

Big Blonde Hair

Stephanie Hollman's Black and Gold Sequin Dress

Tom Ford 2011 Dress Sold Out

Credit: @StephanieHollman

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