Melissa Gorga’s Black Gucci T Shirt

Season 9 Episode 2 Real Housewives of New Jersey Fashion

Melissa Gorga opted for a logo t shirt while axe throwing—that’s a new one—and it was all Gucci! I’d say it’s lucky they are doing this early in the season because based on the previews the ladies seem to enjoy this activity. Later in the season after there is pot stirring I’d be afraid to be around some of them armed with anything. With that, I might have to give it a whirl. And even if that doesn’t work out I’ll just stick to shopping and totally steal her axe throwing style.

The Realest Housewife,

Big Blonde Hair

Melissa Gorga's Black Gucci T Shirt

Click Here To Shop Her Black Gucci Logo Tee

Style Stealers:

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