Meghan Edmonds’ Gold Sheep Shirt
on Season 11 Episode 4 of The Real Housewives of Orange County
I just got done watching a pregnant Meghan Edmonds’ looking gorgeous and glowing on last night’s Watch What Happens Live, and thought it was super interesting that someone called in and asked Meghan why she can’t just get over it and forgive Vicki because she’s an unhappy person right now and whatnot. I, like Meghan, have a hard time letting some people get away with unacceptable behavior without a sincere apology and admittance of wrong doing, so I totally get where she’s coming from. So Megs, from one preggo Millennial to another, you just do you because you totally have a right to, your opinion is your opinion. And don’t forget to remind everyone that you’re with child and you’re the one who should get away with just about anything 😉
Gold Sheep Tank Top / Sold Out
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