Leather Jackets We Love

Team Big Blonde Hair Fashion

Fall is here and Team Big Blonde Hair is so ready to order some pumpkin spice lattes, binge watch horror movies, and of course whip out our favorite leather jackets! They are a timeless piece that you can grab out of your closet each fall season.

If you think you only need one, you’re totally wrong. There are so many fab novelty styles that once you have a basic black one style it’s time to start collecting! Enjoy some styles that we spotted and loved, whether you prefer real or faux, plain or studded, solid or printed, we picked some of our favorite looks to have you fall ready.


Team Big Blonde Hair


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Iro Ashville Leather Jacket / Blank NYC Star Biker Jacket / Blank NYC Meant to Be Moto Jacket

Topshop Ecru Leather Biker Jacket / Alice and Olivia Cody Studded Jacket / Missguided Chocolate Snake Skin Jacket

TopShop Shearling Jacket / Aqua Snake Print Jacket / Noisy May Faux Snake Skin Jacket

Have you seen fashion on the Real Housewives or any other Reality TV style you can’t live without? Post a comment below, follow @BigBlondeHair on Instagram, tweet @BigBlondeHair or leave a comment on  Big Blonde Hair’s Facebook.