As a girl with many skeletons in my closet, literally, (I was even nicknamed by my husbands friends because of wardrobe choices featuring skulls…Cleeeeearly not Alexander McQueen fans!) I can respect the interest I received in Joyce’s sweater at the shooting range. And as a bit of an expert, for Spring 2014 go with a floral skull for an updated take on the look. Now excuse me while I go listen to Marilyn Mason in my car on the way to shop at Hot Topic.
Joyce Giraud’s Black & White Skull Sweater at The Shooting Range
Knight Sweater by Wildfox SOLD OUT
Style Stealers:
Jackie Dee Skull Sweater Available Here
Wildfox Couture Love Skull Crew Sweater Available Here
Liam T Silk Blouse by Equiptment Available Here
Skull Lovely Sweater Available Here
Have you seen clothing on a The Real Housewives or a Reality TV Star that you can’t live without? Post a comment below, tweet );” href=””>@BigBlondeHair or leave a comment on );” href=”″>Big Blonde Hair’s Facebook page.