Johnny Anastacio, is not only one of the stars of Style Network’s Kimora: House of Fab that chronicles the trials and tribulations in the workplace at Kimora Lee Simmons’s JustFab.com, he’s a man who has a killer sense of style and knows what to do with it. As the Senior Graphic Designer at JustFab.com he is immersed in fashion, and has the mantra– “Put classy next to playful, sexy next to fun,and wear serious with irreverence”.
Johnny took the time to sit down with BigBlondeHair.com and dish on what it’s like working for Kimora, his fashion do’s and don’ts and what you can do to step up your style. And guess what? He knows what he’s talking about, and you need to know what he’s talking about too.
Catch Johnny on the debut of Kimora: House of Fab tonight January 23, 2013 at 9/8c on The Style Network.
BBH: “Kimora: House of Fab” gives us an inside look at the popular e-commerce site, JustFab.com, where you are Senior Graphic Designer. Give us an overview of what can we expect to see this season.
JA: Shoes, shoes and more shoes! And drama! Also what everything goes through to get Kimora approved.
BBH: I’m definitely familiar with Just Fab, as BigBlondeHair.com is all about getting the look for less. The company has a great take on that.
JA: That’s what I’m all about too. Looking like I came off the runway, but I came out of an outlet mall. You can get ten outfits for the price of one!
BBH: What have you learned from working with Kimora about fashion and otherwise?
JA: With Kimora it’s not about the price of the item, it’s about how it makes you feel. It could be the least expensive item from Forever 21 and she can rock it. She can take a Just Fab shoe and make it look like a Louboutin, or purse and make it look like Fendi. It’s about her personality. Attitude changes an outfit. I’ve learned a lot about that from Kimora.
Also, she’s a great business woman. She knows what she wants, she gets what she wants and she expects high quality (work) from all of her employees.
BBH: I’ve been stalking your Pinterest and you definitely have a great, unique, style of your own. What is your personal style philosophy?
My personal style is a mix of over the top prints, super colorful patterns, textures and tons of accessories to pull from. I feel that an outfit can be rocked by anyone, but pulling together the right amount of accessories, layering and texture is something that (makes a) look (personal).
I can have a bunch of accessories from Forever 21, Kate Spade and H&M, but an combine them all together to get an Hermes look. You can mix (accessories) together to get whatever vibe you want to give; A country vibe, a hip-hop vibe, a club vibe. Accessorize and make it your own.
I’m definitely inspired by a lot of menswear on the runway. (And) K-POP, which is Korean Pop; It’s very over the top and colorful.
BBH: Who are your fashion inspirations?
JA: T.O.P. He is not well known in the States but is a Korean fashion icon. He has blue hair, wears glasses, and is totally over the top. He wears the roller spiked Louboutins, but mixes it with corduroys and glasses; like a nerdy Rhianna (look). I love his style.
I am also inspired by Brian Boy. He’s like Anna Wintour’s Godchild, is always in Vogue and has a Mark Jacobs bag named after him. He’s from the Philippines and I’m Filipino so he’s a very inspirational figure in my book, I’d love to meet him one day. He actually wears couture and is fabulous and fierce but I’m as fabulous and fierce as him, just at an affordable price; I wear the consumer version of his look.
And definitely Nikki Manaj.
BBH: While you’ve mentioned some well-dressed men, there are so many men who just can’t seem to get their style right. What are some basic tips you have for them (or their significant others) to get their look together?
JA: You just said the word: Basics. Even if (they) only spend 5 minutes to shower and change, have good fitting basics; A nice fitting white dress shirt with a nice pair of slacks or denim. You can always rock those pants with a good jacket, or with a button down shirt or tie that is more colorful.
Get (them) something from Banana Republic or J Crew, they have nice fitting basics. If they’re more fashion forward go to Zara or H&M because their clothes are more fitted and they have specialized collections.
BBH: And what fashion insight can you offer women?
JA: A lot of women I know look in magazines and just straight up buy what they see without thinking if it’s their style, or fits their skin tone or hair. Try to make your purchase based on a trend that suits your body type. Don’t always follow trends, follow your style.
BBH: On a closing note, since we are looking forward to Winter ending and Spring beginning, what style of shoes must every women own moving into Spring 2013?
JA: Single sole pointy toe pumps are going to be huge for 2013. We have them all over the showroom. And definitely wedges.
Single sole pointy toe pumps it is.
Visit JohnnyAnastacio.com, follow @JohnnyAnastacio on Twitter & Instagram.
A big thank you to Johnny for taking the time to chat with Big Blonde Hair. He truly has great fashion insight and was a pleasure to talk to.