Just because the Bravo cameras aren’t rolling doesn’t mean that the Real Housewives of Orange County aren’t working hard, making fashion statements and trying to make us spend all of our hard earned money stealing their style. And just when we thought our credit cards got a break, Gretchen Rossi had to break out this fabulous peach frock for us all to covet. I guess the saying “fashion never rests” isn’t just a saying…
Gretchen Rossi’s Peach Wrap Dress

Honey Punch “It’s A Wrap Dress” Color Sold Out Tobi.com
Inside Style Scoop: Gretchen bought her’s a boutique, so you may still be able to track the color down!
Thank you to Gretchen for the info, follow her on @GretchenRossi on Twitter for the inside style scoop!
Honey Punch “It’s A Wrap Dress” in Pink $52 Tobi.com
Style Stealers:
Frill Front Wrap Dress in Peach
ASOS Wrap Dress with Sequin Cuff
Have you seen something on a Housewife or celeb you can’t live without? Post a comment below, tweet@BigBlondeHair or leave a comment on The Big Blonde Hair Blog’s Facebook page.