Carole Radziwill’s Pajama Outfit at Brunch With Tinsley

Real Housewives of New York Season 10 Episode 6 Fashion

Carole Radziwill’s pajama outfit at brunch with Tinsley pretty much sums up why I’m loving Carole this season. In addition to speaking her mind, she’s been taking many risks fashion-wise, wearing whatever her mood calls for in the moment (a prime example: her tattoo bodysuit, which you can read about here). While most people would opt for mix-and-matching the top and bottom of her pajama set with regular clothes, Carole went full-throttle wearing both items, and totally pulled the look off (it doesn’t hurt that she was probably comfy af too).

I felt bad for Carole hearing that Adam KenUnworthy told her about his date with another girl, and agree with Tinsley that maybe a clean break from him would be a good thing. However, Adam was just spotted with Carole and the other ladies on their trip to Dubai, so it’s unclear where the two stand IRL. Between obsessing over the relationship statuses of both Adam/Carole and Scott/Tinsley (I still need closure over that deleted pic btw), I think I’m ready to put on my pj’s and call it a day. If only I was as smart as Carole, I’d already be wearing them.




Carole Radziwill’s Pajama Outfit

Click Here to Shop Her Fleur Du Mal Pajama Shirt

Click Here to Shop Her Fleur Du Mal Pajama Pants

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