This afternoon I lit some insencse, dimmed the lights, lit my electronic cig and took a look into my Crystal Housewives Ball (don’t you have one?), and here is what I saw:

A blonde in Beverly Hills in a Black ruffle sweater is in the room ….I see you in the room in the exact same sweater….And I sense you got your sweater at half the price of hers.

 Camille Grammer’s Seance Ruffle SweaterCamille Grammer Seance SweaterMarc by Marc Jacobs Daisy Ruffle Sweater $149


Leifsdottir Black Scallop SkirtSold Out

Skirt Stealer:

Forever 21 Lace SkirtLace Tiered Skirt $24.80

 Have you seen something on a Housewife you can’t live without? Post a comment below, tweet @BigBlondeHair or leave a comment on The Big Blonde Hair Blog’s Facebook page