Cameran Eubanks’ Printed Pleated Shorts at the Boutique with Kathryn and Chelsea

Season 4 Episode 11 Southern Charm Fashion

Cameran Eubanks’ printed pleated shorts at the boutique with Kathryn and Chelsea were statement makers that I was immediately drawn to when I caught even a small glimpse. After all, Cameran has been known to rock a short with the best of them, and I was personally super drawn to the geometric 70’s print and pleats so these were totally cool in my book. The blue, pink, navy and maroon are kind of an unexpected combo but makes them completely unique. Actually, they were as cool as Kathryn being nice to Cameran after so much previous tension. So although I think Cameran’s shorts were a major scene stealer, I feel like Kathryn also totally deserves some props for all the major steps she’s made too. I’m pulling for her and definitely hoping she keeps looking as good as a pair of printed, pleated shorts.

Cameran Eubanks' Printed Pleated Shorts

Click Here to Shop the C/MEO Big Dreams Printed Shorts

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