Sometimes when I know there is going to be a new Reality TV show that has fashion that could be worth covering, it seems like a lot of work. Learning new names, new personalities, where they like to shop and what their go-to brands only to have the show get cancelled is totally annoying. But when I see a new show that has fashion that simply cannot be ignored and a premise that doesn’t seem cancel-worthy, it’s a total jackpot in the world of celebrity fashion blogging. And based on tonight’s previews of the Ladies of London, that’s just what we have on our hands. Now I’ll just need to win an actual jackpot to afford everything I want from their closets…
Ladies of London Fashion: Marissa Hermer’s Printed Dress at the Horse Races
Peter Pilotto LF Mixed Digital Print Dress (Pictured in Red)
Shop Peter Pilotto for much less HERE
Have you seen something on the Real Housewives or any other celebrity fashion you can’t live without? Post a comment below, tweet @BigBlondeHair or leave a comment on Big Blonde Hair’s Facebook page.