Lauren, I know it’s not reality tv, but do you watch 30 Rock? Last night Jenna had on a really classy looking dress with rhinestone sleeves.  Did you see it? Jessa

What, you thought I only watched Housewives ;-)? And lets be serious – 30 Rock’s Jenna Mulroney would make a killer Real Housewife of New York-Or maybe even Beverly Hills with this dress….

Jenna Mulroney’s 30 Rock Crystal Sleeve Dress

Jenna Mulroney Black Rhinestone Studded Dress

Burberry Jewel Shoulder Pencil Dress

Burberry London Jewel Shoulder Pencil Dress $467

Style Stealers:

Rhinestone-Trim Dress – $139.50

Retail Price: $149.50
You Save: $10.00 Rhinestone-Trim Dress

Also Available in Black

Embellished Collar Dress

Embellished Collar Shift Dress $60

Plus Size Stealer:

Plus Size Studded Dress

Jewel Sleeve Dress $378

Enter to win Kyle Richard’s Real Housewives of Beverly Hills Turquoise Drop Earrings from

Have you seen something on a Housewife or celeb you can’t live without? Post a comment below, tweet @BigBlondeHair or leave a comment on  The Big Blonde Hair Blog’s Facebook page.